Daily Vocal Brush-ups:
simply vibrate your lips together without pitch, at first.
This will help build up your breath support. Next, add a pitch to your lip buzz, and hold it
anywhere from 3-5 seconds connecting your breath support to your voice placement. Pitch
can go up, down, or stay on one note. If you have trouble making the buzzing sound, you can
place your index fingers on the center of your cheeks to give your lips more “slack.” You can
achieve the same effect by rolling your tongue. This is called a tongue trill.
Mee, May, Mah, Mo, Moo: 11111,1111,54343, 1234,54314 – Start at middle C, and sing the
excercise in Minor chromatics up the scale. Take your time and then choose a tempo in
which you can sing this exercise all in one breath. Focus on your intonation to create the best
vocal sound. Don’t push – sing nice and relaxed. (Credits: C. Porter)
The Siren: Think of the sound of a fire engine passing by, and imitate it with your voice. Start
at the lowest note in your range, and slide through every note to the top of your range and
back down again on whichever vowel you prefer.
Once you get in the habit, you’ll love the freedom and flexibility of a brushed-up voice.
I give myself permission to DO less and BE more mindful.