My 12 Fotos of Februar 12th, 2024
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My Amaryilis is blooming!
Exactly 14 days since Eugen’s Operation!
Sorry, but I couldn’t resist…I read
On my way to my Foot Cosmetic…the house is one of my favorite colors…but the Playmobil
It is 12 degrees on the 12th of February and my Hydrangeas are alive!
Walking around my lake with Mel Robbins!
I took a picture of a picture…
My GRANDdaughter Barbara sketched this portrait of me. The task was to draw without looking down at the paper…I love it!
Can you imagine combing the “fur” of these animals as your daily job? (saw this as I was in the Shopping Mall in Ludwigshafen)
My first Musical “Sound of Music” as a child…taught this online today…
This is the other Amarylis blooming today…
Took this Foto in front of the hospital…
Thank you for spending the 12th of February with me!