Monats Rückblick Juni 2023
June is a wonderful month of growth and also a month with the longest day of the year! Various Awareness Month Events take place in June, one of which is Children’s Awareness Month, which focuses on a generation of leaders who will pave the way for our future!My June was filled with energized activities, one of which is taking part in #The Blog Bang with the incredible Judith Peters and also with the organising of my SoulSisters Vocal ReTREAT taking place in September.
Soul Sisters Vocal ReTREAT
And now I will share with you what else my June 2023 had in store for me!
Soul Sisters Vocal ReTREAT
And now I will share with you what else my June 2023 had in store for me!
1. One year eFITiv / „Every age has an Arie“
2. Friends / Wedding
3. Matthias / Helen Schneider

Matthias Berkel, Solo Horn, Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra, with his Mom!
1. One year eFITiv / „Every age has an Arie“
As of one whole year, I have committed myself to train 3 x weekly at a fantastic womens sportstudio nearby. It was my goal to be consistent to the point that my body, mind and soul don’t want to be without. It worked! And not only that, the results are recognizable and scaleable. Combined with my holistic wellness programm, I am in the process of transforming my physical well-being – better late than never!
The holistic concept of it has to do with the simple fact, that our mind, body and soul are connected in such a manner, that when working them together we make our overall well-being a reality! That is what we call „empowerment“. Empowering our mindset, our self-belief and of course making a sustainable transformation possible! It is can well be compared with my vocal coaching concept. Being consistent with the hard work combined with self-belief involved in being „on stage“ , and the necessary technical tools to achieve our goals, is only really possible when the fire within us is burning, unleashing our full potential. That is the same holistic concept of my vocal biohacking. Conceiv, Believe, Achieve! I am committed to my own transformation and to empowering singers unlimited to sing unlimited. In the same manner, that my Fitness Trainer cheers me on with „better late than never“, I recently had the privelage of meeting Annette Weber, Opera Director of the Zürich Opera House who strongly believes that „every age has an arie“. This is what we are talking about when speaking of the term LONGEVITY. One of the books I am reading at this time and highly recommend is OUTLIVE by Dr. Peter Attia – the science and art of longevity. I am living pro-activ for my physical longevity and for vocal longevity is my Mission – Birthright’52.
Check out more of my Philosophy on
2. Friends / Wedding
We do love having guests over for good food and wine and of course long awesome talks! Well, June was the month and our guests were none other than my best childhood girlfriend Virginia and her husband Dan. The fun fact is: we call Virginia „June“ – how suitable is that?!
Well, I am going to keep this one short because it is a lifelong story and anyone of you who knows what it is like to keep in touch with your childhood besties knows what I am talking about. Some interesting facts are perhaps that, Dan is the son of our pastor (we all grew up on Manitoba Prairie farms) back then and they were a family of 14 children. Dan and June themselves have 17 grandchildren and Dan, with his sons, is the founder and CEO of one of the worlds largest Grill Companies named DANSONS and their Product is „PitBoss Grills”.
Back to long awesome talks…you can be certin that I had a lot of important questions to fire at an entrepreneur like Dan is. One of the most important messages he gave me was the message: „to listen“. How spot on is that! In order to Conceiv, Believe, Achiev, you definitely need to listen! It all fits together. My entire Calling in life hast o do with listening; my audience listening to my singing, me listening to my singers as I coach them on their journey. And another fun fact: when Dan and June were married in our little town on the prairies, they both listened as I sang for their wedding. How blessed we were to have them in our home as our guests!
From this wedding back in the early 70’s to a wedding in June 2023…
She believed she could so she did! Women inspire women! As of 1 year to this day – „Hip Hip Hurray“ – and 3 times weekly – Simona – my personal trainer in the Fitness Studio of my choice – inspires me to be accountable for my health and well-being! You are capable, you are strong! Never doubt that you have the power within you to instigate huge change! Conceiv, Believe, Achieve!
With Simona’s permission, I am going to share this story from my Vocal Studio with you. On May 10th, just 4 weeks ago, Simona came to me for her first Vocal Coaching Session. She had requested me to be her personal trainer and so this time ‘round I was the Vocal Studio of her choice and I now had the privelage of inspiring her to heights unknown to her or anyone else for that matter. I immediately recognised her vocal potential and her inner strength.
Simona’s goal was to sing at her church wedding on June 3rd, as a surprise gift of love to her husband…and all the other guests. You see, she had never sung a Solo till then. No one was aware of the fact that, in this beautiful Soul of a woman also dwelt a beautiful singing voice that was just waiting to be heard! So with some „Self-Belief“, positiv affirmations and a few unseful vocal tools we seized the opportunity and prepared for the big day! She touched her husband and all of us listening!

My beautiful singing Bride, Simona.
3. Matthias / Helen Schneider
Matthias is our eldest son of 3, all being musicians and all playing brass instruments. I just love it! Well, we were blessed to have Matthias home with us for 2 days as the Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra, in which he plays the Solo Horn, was doing a guest performance within driving distance. That was the first part of the big treat it was to have Matthias home. The second part was the concert. Bevor I go into that, I want to remind you of my Mission: Birthright’52, dealing with Longevity! My physical well-being and my vocal coaching concept of Bio-hacking are holistically speaking, about LONGEVITY. Well, to my delight the Orchestra was accompanying none other than the American Singer, Helen Schneider. She is a Musical Icon singing everything from Klassik to Jazz, entertaining around the world. Of course I have a special fun fact here as well…Helen Schneider and I are both 1952ers. And to top it off, I got to meet her after the concert and not only congratulate her, but we also chatted shortly about vocal longevity! I was blessed!

After the concert Foto with Helen Schneider
So, to summarize my June 2023, I must say that longevity played a huge and awesome role. Not only do we have the longest day of the year in June, and not only is my girlfriends Nickname June, but June now stands for conceiving, believing and achieving…my Birthright – your Birthright!
P.S. I invite you to sign up for my Newsletter…I would love to keep in touch with you!
Your Badass Opera Singer and Vocal Coach,