Blog KW3 – Developement / Changes / Diversity
CONTENT in this Blog:
1. Introduction to Developement
2. Changes
3. Vocal Success Studio
4. CtA
As those of you who have been reading my Blogs – my new adventure – will have noticed, there have been quite some changes in my life since Summer of ’22. I guess you could say, that „Wabi Sabi“ (nothing is forever – a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay) proved to be true. Letting go of my Musical Theater School of 12 rich years, „Bühne frei“ (due to the pandemic) has definitely changed my perspective on things and exactly that is what led me to adventure out on my Mission 2023: Birthright ’52. Check out my first Blog of 2023 to find out more about the details concerning this:
My „new“ everday life now has time for Meditation and Transformation. In the last 6 months I have discovered the healing elements of EFT with my coaches and my Vocal Success Studio has a diversity of new Coaching Packages to offer. Thanks to my Artist in Leadership Coach Sandra Janke, I have had the best guidance in developing my concept of Vocal Biohacking and moving on with my business strategy. At the moment I am struggling in my change from a Computer and Android cell-phone to my new MacBook and IPhone. If I can make it through this, I can do anything. (New York, New York!)
My health priorities have been blessed with the opportunity to spend some weeks in the Black Forest Clinik for Lymphology. This will assist me in achieving m self-set challenge to keep up with my GRANDchildren in the holidays. Being unstoppable means never giving up. It means being consistent and committed. They never promised me a rose garden. This is true in every aspect of life!
Here are some prioritiy changes on my list for 2023…
Your On-stage Diva is singing again! More on this coming up…
Coaching Packages with your Back-stage Diva are replacing the old-fashioned once-a-week lesson.
ReTREAT 2023 for female singers is in the making! You will not want to miss this! Stay tuned!
Weekly Blogs are definitely a „must read“!
I am the GoToPerson for all Professional Singers wanting to diversify their Vocal Empowerment with Cross Training!
Vocal Biohacking is my concept! A Holistic approach to singing from east to west and north to south!
3.Vocal Success Studio
With a purpose in mind, I set the word „Success“ in the middle when I named my Studio! Success is a tough cookie! Included in that, is the saying: Talent is overrated. There are even books written about this very topic. I would say, that it is only seldom, that talent alone will be enough to be successful. It’s quite simple actually…talent combined with persistence in practise and mindset combined with a great coach certainly are priorities when wanting to be successful in whatever we do!
Neville Goddard says: „If you assume success and persist in that assumption, you cannot fail!“ Wow…I love that. It is the essence of my Mission, my Birthright ’52, and of my coaching concept.
Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome.
Success occurs when preperation meets opportunity.
Most importantly, success must be defined by each of us individually. This makes it much more accessable and, without comparing ourselves to others, we can always find success on our very own terms. Sweet little Charlotte a.Tucker says: If at first you don’t succeed, have a bowl of ice-cream and then try again. Mmmmm.“
VSS dones a fantastic Website with tons of vocal expertise, fun facts, sound examples, a newsletter and Blogs. It also offers Online Coaching Worldwide and an exclusive IRL Studio. Take me up on an offer and get in on the fun of your success!
4. CtA (Call to Action)
This is where you and I begin releaSING your super powers!
If you want development in your life as a singer…
If you need a change of perspective and transformation in your singing career…
If you are looking for diversity…
If you want freedom of choice…
If you are looking for expertise in a holistic approach to singing…
My Vocal Biohacking / Cross Training Concept is a gamechanger! How do I know? Well, after spending 3 years at the Complete Vocal Institute in Denmark, studying to become a CVT Coach, I had my own voice to put to the test. Transformation of voice and mindset were the incredible results. And all of my many Singers, whom I have the privelage to coach, are brilliant examples of what this concept of vocal coaching can achieve.
Bob Proctor once said: „A Coach is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.“
Need I say more? What are you waiting for? Beleive in yourself and your abilities. Keep pushing forward and if you are in need of a gentle kick in the *** …you know where you can find me!
Your dream is guiding you to EXACTLY where you are supposed to be. Your dream is meant for you to follow!
Your On-stage/Back-stage Badass Vocal Coach,