Mein Jahresrückblick 2023 – Mission Possible!

One of my greatest insights in 2023 is the essence of my Mission – BIRTHRIGHT ‘52
A mission of Intention, of Awareness, of Song, of Growth, of Longevity.
All in all, a mission of LIFE – our BIRTHRIGHT
Thinking back over 2023, I have come to the conclusion, that it is difficult to pin-point the most important lessons I am grateful to have learned…there are sooo many and where to begin…
With certainty they almost all have to do with GROWTH (inward growth…I used to check in at 1,75 and now 1,72), with LETTING GO (and letting the Divine), with BOUNDARY SETTING (also opening…), with TRUSTING (the process…) and so on!
This being said, it is all about DE-CLUTTERING in all areas and acknowledging and being AWARE with the deepest of INTENTION to LIFE.
Letting go…
A lesson learned this year…well actually it is a lesson I have been confronted with in a big way more than just once in my life.
A life-long lesson…although it does get easier with each time even though it almost always begins with a kind of painful realization and acknowledging that it is the way it is.
A lesson in which I have learnt anew each time: even though I cannot always control the circumstances, I can however, have full control over how I react and handle the circumstance.
A lesson in „De-cluttering“ in all areas of life.
Gratitude to those who stand by me and support me in my journey
Die Inhalt dieses Blogartikels:
1. Rückblick auf meine eigenen 2023 Ziele
2. Mein Jahresrückblick 2023
3. Mission: BIRTHRIGHT ’52 – Vocal Longevity (Pro-age active)
4. Meine 3 liebsten eigenen Blogartikel des Jahres 2023
5. Was 2023 sonst noch los war
6. Meine Ziele für 2024
7.Mein Motto für 2024
1. Rückblick auf meine eigenen 2023 Ziele
Biohacking Reha in Friedberg (berühmte Schwarzwald Klinik)
War hart aber erfolgreich! Habe jeden Tag Lymphdrainage Behandlung bekommen und viel Sport getrieben und fantastische Stützstrümpfe verschreiben bekommen und auch ein eigenes Lymph-o-mat
Neue Vocal Coaching-Pakete
Wunderbare Packages für Neue Sänger / Chor Projekt / 999€ Paket
„SPRAKKAR” Frauen-Gesangs-ReTREAT
Nachdem ich einen mega Location endlich hatte – Leider gescheitert…I will not give up!
Gesangsstudio ist neu eingerichtet mit BF Möbelär / Entrümplung ist im vollen Gange (Gefriertruhe entsorgt!). Neue Fenster kommen im Januar 2024
Kanada Familienreise
Realisiert und wundervoll!
Vom PC auf MacBook
Das war ein Wagnis! Habe es geschafft! Sogar ohne Maus! Bin fast durch! Und stolz – mega stolz – auf mich!
Canva gelernt!
Hier im Blog Artikel sind einige meine Erstlings Werke…noch viel Raum nach oben, aber immerhin!
New York, New York mit Ben
Ausgetauscht für London mit Ben und Matthi – leider ohne Karl aber immerhin fabulous!
Mission: Birthright ’52
Voll im Gange – wird 2024 weiter realisiert – im Sommer habe ich einen BIRTHRIGHT ’52 GOLD RING MIT BETH KRIEIERT UND HABE ES JETZT BEKOMMEN – MEGA!
2. Mein Jahresrückblick 2023

December 2023: This is what De-Cluttering looks like – Before and After

London with my boys! Musical time in London West End

I love to sing! I love my voice!

My Artist in Leadership Coach Sandra Janke on our Retreat in Österreich.
3. Mission: BIRTHRIGHT ’52 – Vocal Longevity (Pro-age active)

Up-cycled: My cousin, Beth Gage (Goldsmith Artist) owner of “Aesoterica” turned some of my old gold jewelry into this masterpiece which we designed together, symbolizing my journey and Mission “Birthright ‘52”. She brilliantly integrated some twigs and earth from the farm where I grew up in Arnaud, Manitoba…my origins!
Singing is our bodies conversation with the air we breathe – wir verwandeln unser Atem im Klang! It is my opinion that we Singers have never been more in need of a new paradigm concerning our Vocal Longevity!
What does Vocal Longevity mean to me? It’s about empowering our hearts and minds with the knowledge that allows us to longer be at the mercy of anything or anyone when it comes to our “calling”. If you are wondering what you would be in for by learning more about my Vocal Bio-hacking Concept (combining Belcanto with the efficacy of CVT – Belcantocanbelto), here it is: You will learn tools necessary to release vocal empowerment. You will discover your magnificent God-given voice. You will manifest your power for joy (dopamine) in creating your own instinctive sound – your breath becoming sound. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes educating yourself with love, respect and dedication. With consistency and resilience, being aware of your uniqueness and trusting the process. With believing in yourself – your massive superpower! I believe that learning the way sof Vocal Longevity is the path to freedom for all Singers! To becoming unstoppable!
As a young Singer, Vocal Longevity can be your guiding light – your North Star! We Singers have been underserved by society for too long and therefore, I am excited to share with you my experience and years of accumulated knowledge.
“Our choice lies in whether or not we choose to assist Mother nature in her unfolding!” (LeAnn Rimes)
When we look at Photos from years gone by, we should feel no guilt or conceit, but look twice and enjoy our own prettiness and observe how young and tender we were and be aware of the strength evoking from the fruits of our years. “We are not old, we’ve just been here a long time:” (Eileen Kramer,108)
Society conveys the common idea that you sing until the ripe age of 40 – 50 years and then you become a singing teacher and simply stop singing yourself. I do not agree with that notion. When introduced to someone new, I would never answer with, “I used to be a Singer.” I AM A SINGER.v
There is so much yet for me to learn from others and for them to learn from me. Sometimes it feels like the best years of my life are unfolding. It is the priceless values of having a vision and to find like-minded people to share those visions with and bring them to life. People who inspire you to keep working.
I am much too busy to “retire”. Life keeps me “singing”. Most importantly, I am having a marvelous time, doing new work and never stopping to learn new things.
If you say to yourself, “I could never do that”, I would like to reply with, “yes, you could. What is stopping you? Do you want to look back at your life and know that you never did the crazy things your heart told you to do?”
I have had many adventures and created many things. I have learned from mistakes I have made and I have no regrets. I am still in life’s process of discovering the fullest expression of my feminine power and the fullest expression of my voice, sharing this with my tribe.
I want everyone with whom I have the joy of living this life with to know, that I am grateful for our time together being alive…my life being a Singer and sharing my knowledge with my Singers.
Wherever life’s journey takes me, I intend to sing with the passion bequeathed to me at birth until my very last breath. Life has kept me singing and so it goes on! It is my wish to continue to inspire my audiences and Singers and answer the question: “Shall we sing!” with YES!

“Every age has its Arie!”

Vocal Biohacking Concept – VocalSuccessStudio

Sing & Let(‘s) Sing Coaching

STIMM – ICH is my new Group Coaching Package – brilliant! 8 Singers are releasing their Vocal Potential and transforming their entire Mindset and approach to taking their spot on stage! This is only the beginning! STIMM – ICH 2 is kickstarting in April 2024! You had better get in on the fun!

BelcantCANbelto! You had better believe it! This is my Vocal Bio-hacking Concept and it works!

I love singing – looking for 3 women musicians! 2024 is our year!

4. Meine 3 liebsten eigenen Blogartikel des Jahres 2023
5. Was 2023 sonst noch los war

January 01.2023 – Pink is not just a color, but also my attitude!

See the Tuba – that’s Karl – the best Tuba Player! None less than the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig!

My Artists in Leadership Business Coach – my alumni Singer Sandra Janke! We are united in Song and so much more…

I spent 3 weeks in a Lymph Drainage Reha in February.

Magnolia Tree in our front yard!

My Singers in Concert!

Easter in Cottbus – Karl and Pri painted these gorgeous Easter Eggs.

Karl loves riding with Linda and Anna!

Bremen: Barbara is sooo pretty with this hairband!

Our Singer Boy, Jakob! In the very middle!

Got to see „Frozen“ with the grandchildren in Hamburg!

Celebrating a brilliant concert in our dining room!

My summer drink on Balkonien…Rose Wine on ice!

My new E – car…notice the license plate!

I love Wisteria – it’s so hysterically beautiful!

Like I said…pink is my attitude!

My Hanna…what a joy!

My „Luft Schloß„ Garden!

This beautiful bride is my Fitness Trainer and I trained her voice so she could surprise her husband on their wedding!

Dear Virginia (June) is my sandbox girlfriend – we go a long way back!

The very last performance with my Musical Theater School “Bühne frei”.

I grew up here in the very middle of Canada!
6. Meine Ziele für 2024
- 1.Mission: BIRTHRIGHT’52 vorantreiben…Singen: Band / Vorsingen Oper / CD Prod.
- 2.Gesundheit: LD / Walking / Fitness Studio / Abnehmen
- 3.Hausrenovierung: Fenster
- 4.Decluttering: everywhere!
- 5.VSS – Coaching Pakete / Chor Tage / Female “SPRAKKAR” (Outstanding Women) ReTREAT / STIMM-ICH II
- 6.Singing: Studio CD Production of „Birthright’52” with Ulrike Payer, Klavier & Manfred Deppe, Tonmeister
7. Mein Motto für 2024
Fokus: Intention & Wahrnehmung